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With over 10,000 members in 80 countries, Subud as an organization has a formal governance structure that helps to support regional members so that they will have a way to practice latihan regularly in their lives. Subud and its members also participate in many charitable and business ventures, some of which are outlined below.

For more information about the global organization and its various wings, go to Subud Voice and


Susila Dharma International Association (SDIA) is a global, member based network made up of 23 national Susila Dharma organisations and 47 development projects. The mission of SDIA is torelieve human suffering and promote just and sustainable development through:

Partnerships and support for grassroots, participatory development and humanitarian initiatives;

Empowering individuals and communities to engage in positive human, social and economic change;

Raising awareness of global issues and inter-dependence.

SDIA holds special consultative status with the United National Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Department of Public Information, NGO Section.


The Subud International Cultural Association (SICA) is a nonprofit organization providing programs and services to Subud members and other organizations working for the public benefit in the fields of art, culture, and creativity.

SICA provides information, training, networking, and support services as well as opportunities to engage with regional, national, and international cultural initiatives and events.

SICA affirms that culture, as the outer expression of our inner selves, embraces all understandings and human endeavor. Its expression is powerful and vigorous, enabling us to feel and value our real selves and know our real direction in life.

Learn more about SICA:


The Subud Youth Association (SYA) is a branch within the World Subud Association. SYA allows young people in their late teens and twenties to network, plan their own activities, and connect with one another through conversation, music, and latihan.

SYA coordinates a prorgam called YES Quest which encourages young entrepreneurs to develop their ideas. They fund trips for young people to Subud events using the International Youth Travel Fund. SYA also tries to bridge connections between youth and each other as well as youth and older generations of Subud members through social media and gatherings.

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